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ArtsyFartsy News

Asymmetrical Composition
April 2007

This month... Asymmetrical. Also known as "off-balanced." This is so classic! You've seen it mostly in landscape paintings where there are a lot of trees all to one side and then some small tree or isolated element far away. Most likely it's also the focal point.

Asymmetrical Start
Asymmetrical Start

In designing the composition, my first few strokes on the canvas are bold, graphic brush marks. I build the painting from there. As I said in last month's newsletter, I can remain loose and free in my painting and paint all over with confidence as long as I remain in integrity with the design composition. It's a morning warm-up in my studio -- I paint six small, loose paint sketches, utilizing an asymmetrical shape as the initial bold stroke. I play from there. Next month I will feature the third of twelve design compositions. Red Square

Abstract Asymmetrical Composition
Abstract Asymmetrical Composition

Landscape Asymmetrical Composition
Landscape Asymmetrical Composition

Copyright ©2007 Robert Burridge. All rights reserved.
If you wish to copy this material to other publications
or mail lists, please ask for permission by contacting:

Robert Burridge Studio
Arroyo Grande, California

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